By the end of the course, candidates will be able to:
- Describe the risks and benefits of bed rail use
- List the types of injuries that clients can incur from bed rails
- Understand the need to manage health and safety risk
- Identify and discuss the range of available equipment
- Identify which clients are more likely to be at risk
- Explain what the term ‘entrapment’ means
- Identify when bed rails should and shouldn’t be used
- Discuss who is responsible for the regulation of bed rails
- Identify other options to be considered or tried before using bed rails
- Identify the elements of a bed rail risk assessment
- Describe the standards by which bed rails must comply
- Identify important elements for the safe maintenance and use of bed rails
Course content
- Introduction
- Potential outcomes of injury
- Bed rail risks
- Clients at greater risk
- Entrapment
- Care home deaths
- Types of bed rails
- Purpose of bed rails
- Bed grab handles
- Bed rail regulation
- CQC involvement
- Adverse incidents
- Using bed rails safely
- Alternatives to bed rails
- When to use bed rails
- Causes of incidents
- Risk assessments
- What to avoid
- British Standards for bed rails
- Special considerations
- Monitoring bed rails
- Maintenance
- Employee responsibilities
- Safety during bed rail use