
Positive Behaviour Support - eLearning

This course is designed for all staff who work in environments where the clients they care for may exhibit challenging behaviours.

The aim of this course is to enhance your knowledge and skills in managing challenging behaviours in the workplace and to adapt these skills into your working environment.

£2.95 + VAT


By the end of this unit you will be able to:

  • Identify what types of violence and aggression are physical and non-physical forms
  • Discuss the law in relation to dealing with challenging behaviours
  • Identify the warning signs and the means by which violence or aggression can be anticipated
  • Discuss the use of de-escalation techniques
  • Discuss when and why de-briefing and incident reporting should occur


Course content

This course covers the following:

  • Violence and Aggression
  • Legislation
  • Use of force
  • Warning Signs of challenging behaviours
  • Low arousal approach
  • De-escalation techniques
  • Reporting, recording and debriefing of incidents