By the end of the course, candidates will be able to:
- Give a definition of a pressure ulcer
- Identify pressure ulcer causes and risk factors
- Describe the anatomy of the skin
- Discuss which areas of the body are liable to pressure injuries
- Identify the difference between a moisture lesion and a pressure ulcer
- Describe what is meant by a ‘Waterlow Score’
- Explain the defined grades of pressure ulcers
- Discuss what is meant by ‘SSKIN’ and how this applies to preventing pressure ulcers occurring
- Explain the key aspects related to the management of a pressure ulcer in order to promote healing
- Identify potential equipment that can help to prevent pressure ulcers
Course content
- Setting the scene
- Terms
- Costs – human and financial
- Anatomy and physiology of the skin
- Pressure ulcers – contributing factors/risks
- Pressure
- Pressure points
- Shear
- Friction
- Healthy tissue
- European Ulcer Advisory Panel Grading System
- Pressure ulcers Grades 1-4
- Moistures lesion
- Treatment costs
- Unstageable pressure ulcers
- Risk assessment
- Waterlow score
- “Stop the Pressure” and “React to Red”
- Surface
- Skin Inspection
- Keep moving
- Incontinence/Moisture
- Nutrition/Hydration
- Skin care tips
- Aids NOT recommended
- Management of pressure ulcers
- Principles of wound healing
- Nutrition
- Wound bed preparation
- Changing dressings
- Monitoring – PUSH tool